UP Walker Lite Commercial

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up walker lite

The new UPWalker Lite commercial has been going viral lately and is getting a lot of attention for one reason the producers might not have been expecting.

While they’re trying to get you to focus on the newest upright walker to hit the market, the Internet is positively buzzing over the little dog seen sitting on the UP Walker Lite! The cute little ball of fluff stole the show and everyone wants to know “what kind of dog is in the UPWalker Lite commercial?”. We reveal the answer below…

In case you missed the full video — or just want to watch it again to get a nice long look at that cute little dog — we’ve posted the complete video on this page. And we’ve added a handy transcript so if they speak too fast you can still read along in your own time.

But don’t believe everything you see on television, see what actual paying customers think about the UPWalker and UP Walker Lite over in the reviews section on Amazon here:

Up Walker Lite

[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R51bNARoh3M” responsive=”yes” autoplay=”no”]

What kind of dog is in the UPWalker Lite commercial?

The adorable little dog you see smiling in the ad is a Pomeranian, often simply referred to as a “pom”. These little toy dogs weigh in at just 3 to 7 pounds (the perfect size to sit in the storage bag of your walker) and have become quite popular with celebrities, including the likes of Queen Victoria, Hilary Duff, and David Hasselhoff.

UPWalker Lite Commercial Transcript

Introducing the ingenious new UPWalker Lite, the safer, more comfortable way to get you up on your feet, walking upright again with more energy. From the makers of the award-winning, original UPWalker, the UPWalker Lite is now 34% lighter, much easier to maneuver. And features a new lower price. The UPWalker Lite is the ideal alternative to canes and rollators.

The UPWalker is revolutionary. A walker has the patient in the hunched-over position, whereas when you have the UPWalker, you’re able to walk upright and get a normal gait because your balance is there.

It takes a lot of pressure off my back and my knees and my ankles. There’s a lot less pain so it makes me want to get out.

I have freedom again. My UPWalker Lite allows me to shop, go to dinner, to see my grandkids, and I’m very happy.

With the UPWalker Lite, my kids can sleep at night because I am secure, I am happy, and I’m loving life again.

Just call or visit UPWalkerLite.com. We have new low prices and affordable, easy payment plans to fit every budget. Your UPWalker Lite comes fully assembled and features adjustable arms, ergonomic handbrakes, a comfortable seat, and sturdy eight-inch front wheels.

I can go anywhere with the UPWalker Lite because it’s very mobile and it’s easy to lift. I could almost do it with one hand and I’m 88 years of age.

The UPWalker Lite’s unique, revolutionary design is now 34% lighter and easy to turn so it’s perfect for navigating tight spaces, comfortably moving from room to room, and still getting outdoors so you can enjoy more independence.

It’s just been life-saving, really.

Instead of walking hunched over, she’s able to stand erect and smile and be happy and feel good about herself definitely.

What I hated about my old rollator was I felt like an old lady because I had to bend over, there wasn’t any way for me to look up, but with my UPWalker Lite, I can get around. I feel young. I can go to the beauty salon. I can visit my friends. I really liked the UPWalker Lite.

Visit UPWalkerLite.com today. And for a limited time, you’ll receive free shipping, plus this free beverage holder, free backrest, and free carrying bag. Best of all, you’re UPWalker Lite comes back by a 30-day money-back guarantee. So whatever your mobility issue, try the UPWalker Lite today.

It’s brought Mary’s smile back again.


And when she smiles, I smile.

Give it a try and find out how it works. You’ll be hooked.

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